-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Data.Monoid (mappend) import Data.List (sortBy) import Data.Ord (comparing) import Hakyll import Control.Monad (liftM, forM_) import System.FilePath (takeBaseName) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- main :: IO () main = hakyll $ do match ("images/*" .||. "js/*") $ do route idRoute compile copyFileCompiler match "css/*" $ do route idRoute compile compressCssCompiler match "error/*" $ do route $ (gsubRoute "error/" (const "") `composeRoutes` setExtension "html") compile $ pandocCompiler >>= applyAsTemplate siteCtx >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" (baseSidebarCtx <> siteCtx) match "pages/*" $ do route $ setExtension "html" compile $ do pageName <- takeBaseName . toFilePath <$> getUnderlying let pageCtx = constField pageName "" `mappend` baseNodeCtx let evalCtx = functionField "get-meta" getMetadataKey `mappend` functionField "eval" (evalCtxKey pageCtx) let activeSidebarCtx = sidebarCtx (evalCtx <> pageCtx) pandocCompiler >>= saveSnapshot "page-content" >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/page.html" siteCtx >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" (activeSidebarCtx <> siteCtx) >>= relativizeUrls tags <- buildTags "posts/*" (fromCapture "tags/*.html") match "posts/*" $ version "meta" $ do route $ setExtension "html" compile getResourceBody match "posts/*" $ do route $ setExtension "html" compile $ do posts <- loadAll ("posts/*" .&&. hasVersion "meta") let taggedPostCtx = (tagsField "tags" tags) `mappend` postCtx `mappend` (relatedPostsCtx posts 3) pandocCompiler >>= saveSnapshot "content" >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/post.html" taggedPostCtx >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" (baseSidebarCtx <> siteCtx) >>= relativizeUrls create ["archive.html"] $ do route idRoute compile $ do posts <- recentFirst =<< loadAllSnapshots ("posts/*" .&&. hasNoVersion) "content" let archiveCtx = listField "posts" postCtx (return posts) `mappend` constField "title" "Archive" `mappend` constField "archive" "" `mappend` siteCtx makeItem "" >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/archive.html" archiveCtx >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" (baseSidebarCtx <> archiveCtx) >>= relativizeUrls paginate <- buildPaginateWith postsGrouper "posts/*" postsPageId paginateRules paginate $ \page pattern -> do route idRoute compile $ do posts <- recentFirst =<< loadAllSnapshots (pattern .&&. hasNoVersion) "content" let indexCtx = constField "title" (if page == 1 then "Home" else "Blog posts, page " ++ show page) `mappend` listField "posts" postCtx (return posts) `mappend` constField "home" "" `mappend` paginateContext paginate page `mappend` siteCtx makeItem "" >>= applyAsTemplate indexCtx >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/index.html" indexCtx >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" (baseSidebarCtx <> indexCtx) >>= relativizeUrls match "templates/*" $ compile templateBodyCompiler create ["atom.xml"] $ do route idRoute compile $ do let feedCtx = postCtx `mappend` bodyField "description" posts <- fmap (take 10) . recentFirst =<< loadAllSnapshots ("posts/*" .&&. hasNoVersion) "content" renderAtom feedConfig feedCtx posts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- postsGrouper :: MonadFail m => MonadMetadata m => [Identifier] -> m [[Identifier]] postsGrouper = liftM (paginateEvery 3) . sortRecentFirst postsPageId :: PageNumber -> Identifier postsPageId n = fromFilePath $ if (n == 1) then "index.html" else show n ++ "/index.html" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- feedConfig :: FeedConfiguration feedConfig = FeedConfiguration { feedTitle = "Resilient Rockhampton" , feedDescription = "All We Have Is Each Other" , feedAuthorName = "Resilient Rockhampton" , feedAuthorEmail = "collective@resrok.org" , feedRoot = "https://resrok.org" } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- siteCtx :: Context String siteCtx = baseCtx `mappend` constField "site_description" "Resilient Rockhampton" `mappend` constField "site-url" "https://resrok.org" `mappend` constField "tagline" "All We Have Is Each Other" `mappend` constField "site-title" "Resilient Rockhampton" `mappend` constField "copy-year" "2021" `mappend` constField "github-repo" "https://source.resrok.org/resrok/resrok-web" `mappend` defaultContext baseCtx = constField "baseurl" "http://localhost:8000" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- postCtx :: Context String postCtx = dateField "date" "%B %e, %Y" `mappend` defaultContext tagsRulesVersioned tags rules = forM_ (tagsMap tags) $ \(tag, identifiers) -> rulesExtraDependencies [tagsDependency tags] $ create [tagsMakeId tags tag] $ rules tag identifiers relatedPostsCtx :: [Item String] -> Int -> Context String relatedPostsCtx posts n = listFieldWith "related_posts" postCtx selectPosts where rateItem ts i = length . filter (`elem` ts) <$> (getTags $ itemIdentifier i) selectPosts s = do postTags <- getTags $ itemIdentifier s let trimmedItems = filter (not . matchPath s) posts take n . reverse <$> sortOnM (rateItem postTags) trimmedItems matchPath :: Item String -> Item String -> Bool matchPath x y = eqOn (toFilePath . itemIdentifier) x y eqOn :: Eq b => (a -> b) -> a -> a -> Bool eqOn f x y = f x == f y sortOnM :: (Monad m, Ord b) => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [a] sortOnM f xs = map fst . sortBy (comparing snd) . zip xs <$> mapM f xs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sidebarCtx :: Context String -> Context String sidebarCtx nodeCtx = listField "list_pages" nodeCtx (loadAllSnapshots ("pages/*" .&&. hasNoVersion) "page-content") `mappend` defaultContext baseNodeCtx :: Context String baseNodeCtx = urlField "node-url" `mappend` titleField "title" `mappend` baseCtx baseSidebarCtx = sidebarCtx baseNodeCtx evalCtxKey :: Context String -> [String] -> Item String -> Compiler String evalCtxKey context [key] item = (unContext context key [] item) >>= \cf -> case cf of StringField s -> return s _ -> error $ "Internal error: StringField expected" getMetadataKey :: [String] -> Item String -> Compiler String getMetadataKey [key] item = getMetadataField' (itemIdentifier item) key