#include #include /* This program is made available under the terms of the GNU copyleft*/ int main(void) { char buffer1[20]; char buffer2[20]; double symbols; double proportion; double actual_symbol; /*get the nums*/ printf("How many symbols are available in this system ?\n"); //gets(buffer1); if (fgets(buffer1,20,stdin) == NULL) { exit(1);} printf("Of these, which symbol's Benford proportion do you want? ?\n"); //gets(buffer2); if (fgets(buffer2,20,stdin) == NULL) { exit(1);} /*conv to values*/ symbols=atol(buffer1); actual_symbol=atol(buffer2); /* benford's proportion = log to the base n of (1 + 1/D) where D is*/ /* some symbol included in the symbol set */ proportion = log10(1+(1/actual_symbol)) / log10(symbols); printf("Symbol %g occurs with proportion %g.\n\n", actual_symbol, proportion); return 0; }