File: bill_me.txt Cont: More crap in the interminable saga of predator's near-life experience Dates: 22 Dec 2k3 -> Jan 6 2k4 On account of Bill's appearance in my neck, I went along and saw Paul the oncologist again, this time without bringing Dad along since I expected he'd just fall alseep in the chair again. It was good just being there alone with the guy, so I could do a bit of a brain dump without having to care what dad thought. He hadda feel of Bill The Lump. I reek faintly of methylselenium and volatile sulfur compounds, since I'm stuffin' myself full of foods full of free-radical scavenging molecules, avoiding carbs, plus imbibing various transition metal trace elements, enzyme cofactors and B group vitamins. He reckons the changes I've made to my diet are mainly preventative rather than curative, tho the way I see it, any new tumor cell is another one which can be prevented, or persuaded not to propagate, if the surrounding biochemical circumstances are configured against it doing so. To my gobsmacked surprise he reckons we should leave this thing here in my neck unless it causes pain since its presence there is irrelevant to the progression of the disease. That is, do what you like, you're still fucked so leave it there. He'll cut it off if I say that it's painful. I want the fucker out before it does something bloody annoying like eat into the nerves which make my left arm work (ruining my clutch control, wanking technique, and typing speed - you the reader should be so lucky). He sent me off for a CT-scan so we can determine wether or not it has invaded anything nearby. Ho fucking ho. Now, my take is, either chop the fucker out as soon as poss, or, since it's so conveniently located where _I_ can get at it, try something whacky like inject into it small quantities of bacterial lipopolysaccharides to provoke a massive, feverish immune response like Coley used to do back in the 1920s before chemo' and radiotherapy appeared on the scene. It didn't succeed all the time, maybe 20% or so, and it was generally tried on inoperable tumors... If I can get my hands on the two relevant strains of microbes, I can culture them myself (I know sterile technique, have the glassware and my old centrifuge will be just fine for getting the pellet down) kill 'em in hot water, titrate their CFU density on a slide, and off we go. I'm gonna have to trawl around to find the relevant bugs, tho. One can't just walk into the university microbiology department these days and snare an Eppendorff with a frozen pellet of your bug of choice in 10% DMSO, and nor can one just waltz into Sigma-Aldrich-Fluka and buy a bunch o' growth medium. Everyone assumes microbiologists are terrorists. I popped along for my third CT-scan of the year. This was a 32-detector Toshiba item, with better resolution than the previous 8-detector GE instrument, but this time they weren't gonna ionise my dick - the objective of the visit was to cook my brain, neck and lungs. More sensitivity means they needed more radiation. Scans are a sort of self-fulfilling technology - if we keep this scanning up I will be mutated by radiation into the same sort of mutant blob I am attempting to locate using radiation in the first place. It took half an hour, a bit over half a grand, and I walked out with an envelope saying "To be opened only by referring doctor." Grrrr. How dare a patient directly acquire a clue about themselves? Christmas is usually insane and depressing even when you're not sick, since everything's dripping with *enforced good cheer*. "Shuddup. Be Happy. Obey All Orders Without Question. Shuddup. Consume. The Comforts You've Demanded Are Now Mandatory." -Jello Biafra, "A Message From Our Sponsors" - Terminal City Ricochet soundtrack. The usual diversions one might turn to on teev have been replaced by round the clock saturation christmasturbation (I do *so* love that word, it sums everything up so well!) and full-spectrum bandwidth bombing with cricket matches so stupefyingly pointless and boring that it is surely in the national interest for us to nuke the entirety of the commonwealth just to expunge the game from the surface of the planet. The roads are crawling with cops intent on, say, fining motorcyclists for not wearing seat belts, ha ha. And since the shops are shut, you can't even smack a load of consumer therapy up your arm when you're in need of it. Not that I am. Usually I spend the festy season avoiding the 'phone, and dicking around with various bits of hardware. Weapons-grade farts aside, the oldie's dog has proven itself most amusing, insofar as our new postie has failed to deliver letters to us on the grounds that he considers our remarkably docile pooch to be too savage to make it worth his risk putting his armload of mail through the gap in our fence. The dog normally races out, barking, and runs up and down the fence yappin' at the postal motorbike. She's doing this entirely for show, but the new postie hasn't been told. Oz Post officialdom came to investigate the savage dog claim. The mutt waddled out calmly, and when the postal investigators opened the gate, she gave 'em a polite lick, a bit of an inquisitive sniff and sat on her bum, looking upwards at them plaintively. We've stopped calling her doggo, and now refer to her as Savijdog. Poor postie. My apologies: I was gonna have some links in here to pictures of the scanned images of the tumor they chopped out of me, but that's not gonna happen anytime soon. After fighting with it for two days, I have given up getting the HP Scanjet 5100C to work with Debian/Knoppix 3.2... I've transplanted drives, installed the whole OS anew, installed more recent kernels, patched them with the horrible kludge-around required to implement SCSI over parallel ports, frigged around with the BIOS settings, apt-got more packages than is reasonable over this shite 56k modem link and I'm at that point I so often arrive at in a Linux install, which is defeated, resigned frustration. As far as Linux installs go, Knoppix is very fucking good. For the first time, I conclude it's not the OS's fault, or even mine - it's just that this particular scanner is a really, really stupid design, most uncharacteristic of Pewlett-Hackard. As shamefully wasteful as it is, I am gonna just drop the whole rig in the bin, victim of its own poor documentation and interface design kludginess. I'd go playing with a USB rig 'cept the interface stakes on this mobo are layed out incorrectly for every USB feed socket I've ever laid my hands on. And I don't have one handy either. I might have a PCI SCSI card lying around somewhere. Maybe I'll just go up to a net cafe and scan it in there, and fight with whatever broken ftp clients they force me to use. I've been playing with hardware of a transportational nature too. After I re-packed the pedal bearings with lithium grease and oiled the chain and derailleur, I took my old aluminium-framed pushie for a spin. Slowly. I shamefully bemoan the lack of raw acceleratory grunt and monster respiratory reserve upon which I used to unthinkingly call as a serious, kill'em'all, fuck-right-off urban commuting weapon nearly half a decade ago before I really became enslaved by the convenience of liquid hydrocarbons. In 1998 I was pushing 150km a week, keeping up with cars on arterial roads. I destroyed bottom brackets and pedal bearings with impunity... my lungs greedily gouged oxygen and nearby insects from the surrounding air, vast planes of dorsal meat plated my back, and my pelve was welded to a pair of sculpted, throbbing, half kilowatt Krebs cycle engines barely recognisable as legs. By comparison, at the moment I'm a weedy piece of desk-driving shit, and the muscular remnants of my arse exhibit all the athletic responsiveness of a scoop of icecream gone soft in the sun. So soft, in fact, I've gotta snare myself some seatpost suspension, I am tired of having the seat hammered up my bum every time I drop the back wheel into a pothole. It's actually been a pretty pleasant week, but it contained various stupidities. I angrily chopped a friend of ten years out of my life, after deciding he was being rather more interrogatory than he shoudda been. Ah, well, it isn't like I didn't warn him. It's intriguing - I am much more freely prepared to do this, these days, but even if awareness of my life expectancy hadn't suddenly dropped by three decades in the last month, I wasn't about to have anyone make unsolicited, unwarranted deductions about my shag life, crow about their success at it when they're wrong, and then keep at it when I tell 'em not to. I'll reveal what I will, which is quite a bit, but will not be interrogated, no matter how subtly. Nor will I have my crankiness about this specific incident written off as a background effect of my being suddenly aware of the foreshortening of my lifespan. If you're reading this, and you know who you are, you have a couple of years to think about it before I'll take you out of my killfile. Anyway. On the 'eve I had a delightful nosh'n'blab and a couple of beers with a couple of friends over at Maroubra, a stroll along the beach, with complementary perving upon the nearly naked bods of nearby women who got their gear off and ran into the freezing, pounding surf. Salt spray condensed on my specs, a cold wind raced off the choppy ocean and sucked all the heat out of me. We went back to my friends' share house and in don't-give-a-shit mode I ate lots of delightful foods dripping with carbs and sugars. I'm sure Bill grew a bit as a result, but arrr, fuck him. "That's WHAT he does. That's ALL he does." -Kyle Reese, referring to Terminator The Cookie Manufacturer and I rode back to the ice cream factory through suburbs largely depleted of traffic, and after killing dozens of midnight mozzies before they could drill us, shagged farewell shags since one of us was leaving the country for a month. Christmas only comes once a year, but I'm glad we don't. Off she goes, back to the land of the free where they imprison more people per capita than anywhere else on the planet, landing at an airport on the edge of a state run by precisely the same fuckin' Terminator that Kyle Reese was referring to above. Fucked if I'm ever gonna go to the US again, they fingerprint everyone who goes there now, which is a sure sign the place has turned into a police state the likes of which it specifically set out to avoid becoming, if their constitution is anything to go by. Goddamned mozzies have no decorum, I discovered in the morning there were several mozzie bites on my arse presumably installed while I was distracted by shagging from the task of smashing them into bloody mash against me. Christmas day was crushingly hot and murderously dry. I soaked my T-shirt, put my leather jacket on over the top of it, and motorcycled up to Palm Beach (maybe 60km north) in the hazy, shimmering thermal waste. When I started the bike, the fuel was *boiling* in the tank, toxic, flammable vapours hissed out of the fuel cap. The road was sticky - the kick stand had sunk slightly into the melting tarmac. I kept the visor down because otherwise the dry breeze sucked the moisture out of my eyes. The traffic was heavy, I saw several cars on the roadside with their owners gazing under the hoods. I had a pretty good run apart from encountering some homicidal tailgating clowns, who I motioned to pass me only to watch them tailgate the cars in front of me. Dickheads. Much of the way a motorcyclist stays alive out there is by reading people's roadcraft and vehicle damage status and assessing people's ability to fuck up in such a way as will fatally include oneself when one has not positioned oneself so as to avoid the wreckage. This defensive tacticality is habitual, these days, and its still worth the effort of keeping my eyes peeled. Reprogrammed to self-destruct from the nucleotides up, nonetheless I'm not driving around with a deathwish. The wet shirt under my jacket was bone dry by the time I got to Palm Beach. The place amazes me, it looks like a fuckin' four-wheel drive convention, huge Toorak tractors parked all over the place, obstructing the roads. It was good to see Lissie and Craig - my cousins. I watch their kids grow up at intervals of twelve months and there's something oddly satisfying about it even though as an adoptee I am biologically unrelated to them. Lissie and I have some pretty raucous, very enjoyable conversations. I ate a ton of seafood, configured Liam's evil X-box for him (Micro$oft: Enslaving Your Children), had a swim in their pebblecreted pool, and caught up with some of my proxy rellos. Their maniacal bad-attitude male pomeranian has literally arse-raped, disembowelled and scattered the pieces of every stuffed toy in the house, which makes me glad it's not a rottweiler. I took Liam's grandma Julie for a spin (admittedly, she had me at knifepoint) on the motorcycle which she thought was pretty cool, if a bit draughty on account of the aerodynamics of spread legs and a dress. It was great to catch up with them all. Half full of piss, I answered their questions about my cancer as best I could, which probably wasn't very well. Liam's only about three, and he reckons I have a nasty scratch up my front. Well, yeah, I do. I'd have hung around for longer but I had to meet an old friend on the 19th floor in the offices of the NSW Minstry for Police. I locked him out of my life two years ago and I thought we were about ready to tolerate each other again. To look at him he hadn't aged a day, but I could see in his right eye a cloudiness that spoke of a cataract. Staring out the window at the nighttime view upon which the chrome-domed NSW police minister used to gaze, with our feet on the furniture, we caught up in the heat of a stuffy office with broken airconditioning. We would have got pissed but all the pubs on Oxford st were shut so we couldn't score any Guinness. We chatted up about a lot of stuff, but some fundamentally annoying things about him have not changed. He mentioned to me as news things I remembered him telling me two years ago. The percentage of his thought processes ripped directly from TV still exceeds the number of hits I want on my old news / useless bullshit filters. It's not gonna be a prolonged reunion. I rode home topless in the stinking nighttime heat. By the time I got there Dad had got his hands on the CT-scan report. To everyone's surprise, I have a brain, and to my surprise in particular, it appears to be normal. So are my lungs, though they're the lungs of a slack bastard who doesn't do enough exercise. The report is worded obscurely, almost defensively, as if they didn't trust me not to rip the envelope open a couple of days ago and come to my own conclusions from whatever the radiologists wrote. They report a large, hypodense mass, where I had told them it was. Well, surprise, surprise. It seems to have not invaded the surrounding bones or vasculature yet. They didn't say it _was_ a lymph node... its identity is referred to obliquely - `there is no other evidence of metastatic disease'. I feel like I have learned precisely two fifths of fuck-all about this lump. I'm from the school of though that sez, biopsy the bastard, stick some of it on a slide and identify its cellular morph. But maybe that'd rupture it, freeing whatever is contained in the putative node, to wreak invasive havoc on the rest of my neck. When I see Coz on the 5th, I'm gonna ask that he wield the tactical machete once more. Out, damned spot! 27th Dec I got an SMS from a number I didn't recognise late on the 26th, and was invited out to a fuck-my-anticancer-diet dinner at an Italian restaurant in Newtown, by a mysterious brown woman of part South African extraction whom, when she wears her distinctly 1970's silver-rimmed Polaroid sunglasses and straw hat, bears a startling resemblance to a famous Chilean dictator. The nosh was great, inclusive of garlic bread with enough topping to change the refractive index of my exhaled breath after eating the stuff. We wandered down to her friend's place to play with a nice telescope (Saturn looks the best it has for thirty years just now, since its orbital inclination is at its maximum so the rings are obvious) but it was a cloudy night so we couldn't see the stars, and had to settle for perving into the neighbor's front windows and discovering the type and rating of various fluoroescent bulbs in the nearby streetlamps. And, later, snogging in the park at Camperdown. Next day I popped over to her place on the way to drop a packload of books in East Hills and spent rather longer there than I intended, for reasons which you could probably guess by now given the content of previous rants. Man... people go buy fibro houses in suburban wastelands and wonder why they're isolated, lonely and bored outta their minds when they're not out, busy working. To alleviate this, she's looking for some sort of long-term relationship but I told her I'm not really in a position to participate in such a thing. I'm happy to share a shag even if it is simply to relieve the solitude, which appears to be engineered into the very fabric of the suburb - I speak with authority when I say this place's groundwaters, secluded and swaddled in rusting cylindrical ferrocrete, are more interesting than its streetscapes. Regardless of how good such shaggery might be, it's a meaningless gesture against the brute fact that the whole district was designed to partition its inhabitants off from each other, to prevent the spontaneous growth of a community before it ever might take root. Nobody plays in the treeless parks, prowling cops hassle every cluster of kids which happens to condense anywhere, etc etc, and you can only hang around in the sprawling mall if you're spending money. Even the public seating, optimised for discomfort, is specifically manufactured to tell your bum to get lost after five minutes. 28th Dec I finally caught up to a head torch modification project I've had in the works for at least two years. See I thought for a moment during testing I'd fucked the MAX1698 chip (a truly incredible bit of DC-DC engineering!) which would have been an expensive exercise, but it turned out I'd just blown a Schottky catch diode (surface mount, B4H) which rectifies the N-channel FET output on the way to the LED array. I swapped it out for something slower, fatter and tougher from my parts bin... rated to 4A, 1kV. The SMD part which I had blown up was 1mm x 2mm and the exact replacement would be an absolute pain in the arse to solder in, anyway - capillary action makes the fuckin' things stick to the point of the soldering iron, during which time they get fried and don't work any more. Pete and his f'yonce Louise (great... there's gonna be two people in the family named Lousie Maher now) popped in, which was a good excuse to stuff myself with all that shitty carbohydrate I've recently noticed how keenly I have missed. I might pop in and see them down in Wollongong when I am next doing a clandestine reconnoitre of the Port Kembla copper smelter. I miss good coffee - the vac-sealed Vittoria stuff, plunged through stainless mesh in gleamin' borosilicate. 30th Dec. Long lost (well, about 12 years since we've seen him) cuz Tony showed up without warning. Great to see him and I would have chatted to him more except that I had pre-arranged to go waste some time with Keoh. Keoh's done a good job on the cubby at the back of the junkyard. Fuck alone knows how he acquired the very swish pair of cufflinks he gave me - embossed with the NSW police service emblem, and cloaked in the insignia of the Drug Squad. Very amusing, but they're illegal to wear if you're not a cop, and besides, wearing them could very well get me killed in some of the circles I move in. The Cat firewall (tarvat, so named since our previous fw was called avatar) has developed some odd glitchiness. Thinking it was thermally related I did a guts transplant (harddisk, display and network cards, this way we know there won't be any interrupt conflicts or failed module dependancies on bootup) into our hot standby box but I got the same error there. While I was furiously hammering this stuff to see if I could make it go, Coco comes into the geek room to slowly drone in my direction a stream of low information content small-talk. Coco is a pain in the arse who has disappeared from the Ice Cream factory for a month - his cat has remained, dropping cat turds in unexpected places and, if you ask me, considering itself very lucky not to have been found euthanased in a deep freeze somewhere. He says, how ya going, and without looking up I mention "frantically busy and unable to talk to you, sorry." "Ok, get fucked, then." He says. Yeah, never mind that I was genuinely frantically working on something important which lots of people depend upon, or that I gave the dude a key to my old squat when he was moaning about his impending homelessness last month, nor that I was fighting to get his net link working as I spoke. Sometimes I wonder if I should just give up volunteering and find some fool who's prepared to pay me to do what I do for fun anyway. Arrr. but then again, maybe I'm becoming a grumpy prick and he's just doing me the favour of telling me. It's amazing. After I blew Coco off, Len, David, and Rana blew in for a chat. I'm trying to track this bug down, and nyaargh there's all these people chewing on my brain while I'm tryin' to get this box workin'. Rana cooked me a delightful tofu/eggplant something-or-other. I eventually pinned it down to a bug in shorewall's IP-conntrack. The firewall's still knackered. Andy logged into it remotely later, and fucked it up even more, which is uncharacteristic. So I have to go out and torture it in person. Not tonight tho. New Years Eve. The oncologist rang up in the morning to tell me what I already knew about the CT-scan. Which was, more or less, nothing more than my fingers had told me. I reckon I'll try and talk Cozzi into doing a fine needle biopsy of this neck thing - if you have to accuse me of spending too much time in front of microscope slides, go ahead, but I reckon there's a lot you can tell from cell morphology which no CT scanner on the planet is gonna ever reveal. I rode up to North Head to a Cave Clan party in the abandoned gun turret emplacements nestled in the saltbush on the sandstone flats above the huge cliffs which rise, sheer, 70m out of the Pacific ocean. Fireworks exploded on either side of me as I drove across the Harbour Bridge under police escort at 20km an hour like all the other drivers, but I couldn't waste attention on the pretty colours. Fortunately there was a southerly breeze, since the biggest sewage treatment plant in Sydney was only 200m north of us. Like all Clan parties, it seriously rocked. Really, given such a high concentration of worthwhile, kick-arse, criminally minded free spirits, sex, drugs, wicked melancholy electro plus old school rock'n'roll, no door charge (no doors either), no dress regs, and a site with a view the government's been trying to sell to developers for bazillions of dollars, where the fuck else would you bother to go on NYE? 'Oxide brought his generator, Siolo his Linear Designs speakers and an amp' which could easily incinerate both of them; to this seismic survey apparatus was connected an .mp3 player which had about ten thousand ripped tunes in it. Word's got around. ... diode announced some weeks ago to the Clan on my behalf that I've been seriously sick of late, people were glad to see me - I got an ear-smashing reception when I arrived, which was cheering. As might be expected of a bunch of mortals in denial, we're a catalog of sickies. Hatchet's kerosene habit has cost him a lung, curly-haired Pete's liver's being eaten alive by Hep C, Oggie's MS is chewing him up slowly, MrI was nearly felled by pericarditis, on it fuckin' goes. About fifty people who are collectively a bigger law enforcement job creation scheme than the entire district of Cabramatta showed up, ate, drank, smoked good grass (for which I can vouch), danced like epileptics on nitrous, fucked in the bushes (for which I can also vouch), detonated things of an explosive nature, conjectured on what was _really_ in the tabs they'd taken before they got there, sat and chatted by the fire which was perched on the iron mountings where the army's coastal surveillance optics used to be installed. I met some Adelaide clansmen who were amazed that I'd been there and tagged up in the drains under their city, and who mistakenly think I am some sort of god (Chinese Whispers effect, I guess). Feenie and I compared scars - they used his tattoos to align the edges of the one in his legs, but his sensory mapping is wrong now, he feels the back of his leg on the front of his leg, or something like that. Marauder, grinning fiendishly, his hair short and bleached white, looked terrifyingly similar to Billy Idol except he's a metre too tall and six orders of magnitude smarter. We were too far away to see them but heard the muffled thumping of the harbour fireworks at midnight. The klaxons, and roar of the blowers and scrubbers of the sewage processing site kept us company throughout the night... along with the blink-blink, blink of a lighthouse somewhere on outer South Head. I got some shut-eye in nine dollars fifty worth of fluorescent orange, half-deflated dinghy MrI had dragged out there and failed to go to sleep in, but I managed, I guess because I was definately more stoned than he was. Out of the corner of my eye, through heavy lids (but not so heavy that they'd close properly) I watched uncaringly as some smartarse got a photo of me crashed-out in the dinghy. I was not so stoned that I couldn't perch myself cross-legged atop one of Silo's speakers and gaze at the sunrise. The thumpin' bass signals deliciously jabbed up my body, faster up my backbone. A sax/synth track by KennyG (called Infinity, I think) came on while I sat there gazing at the fiery pink beams radiating from gaps in the distant clouds, and I had one of those little searing, teary moments where I wondered if I'd see the next New Years. I gazed out to where the sky and the ocean met indistinctly, and looked at the tiny boats tossed on the endlessly repeated waves stretching from the gleaming white cliffs to the horizon. The wind flogged my hair against my skin, I stank of cannabis, campfire smoke, sex on crushed shrubbery, leather preservative and Talby's (legitimate chocolate chip) cookies, and I didn't know wether to feel defeated or exuberant. The dawn arrived and hurt my eyes which were leaking already anyway. I climbed down and went to sleep against the concrete footings of the makeshift fireplace and woke up a couple of hours later with some wanker stickin' a camera in my face as - action shot - I discovered I'd accidentally snorted a blowfly. I dunno about you, but I think if you are ever called upon to justify your life in terms of what you do on such an arbitrarily decreed day as New Years, raising hell with a bunch of people you played a key role in bringing together over ten years, and who are here because of something you decided to write and make freely available to the public at large, really beats the shit out of flocking with a nameless herd to watch delightedly as the government sets fire to your sequestered tax dollars, or sitting at home watching the Edinburgh fucking Tattoo on the telly. On with the year then. The hardcore kamikazi kore of the Clan is off to go abseiling or skateboarding without authorisation down 100m drops in 12m diameter pipes in the upper reaches of the Snowy Mountains Hydro scheme (empty since there's a drought on). Slightly drugfucked and wussy, I rode back to Blakehurst and spent the day zonked out in bed, only emerging to write this before the neurons responsible for remembering it commit programmed suicide in disgust at what they remember. Five beers, a cone and a root could only devastate me like this if I was in shit shape to begin with. T-6 days to biopsy. Listen, lumpy, we have ways of makin' you talk. Jan 3. Fuckin' PCI interrupt allocation... grr. Andy had logged in and fucked up the gateway entries while he was remotely messing around tryin' to get the firewall working, thereby locking himself out. He got shorewall working again but there's a wrinkle... when I did the gutz-transplant from one machine to another to check about the (I think) thermally related kernel barf, I put the NICs back in their slots in a different order. Now, on my planet, a card gets an interrupt on the basis of what it's set to ask for, but this particular mobo assigns them partly on the basis of which card asks for one first. The DMZ and LAN NICs were assigned opposite IRQs, were thus initialised in a different order, and although cabled the same way as before the rebuild, were in fact now assigned as different interfaces so the original routing tables were now totally fucked up. I eventually figured this out and now it works. If you ask me, ISA buses work better just because you can have definitive control over them with bits of fuckin' metal on the boards deciding how they behave instead of some wafty dynamic interrupt assignment workaround implemented to circumvent the fact that most computer hardware people appear to be unable to count to ten more than once. It seems to work for the time being. Good. The kind individual who offered to shag me came pretty close to making good on her promise early this morning, after we ate some Thai and demonstrated our recorder playing skills (or lack thereof) to each other in the dark at Enmore Park, but she was leakin' erythron and not entirely happy with shagging in that circumstance, so we just lay upon the futon, clinging tightly to each other in the lavender scented sheets, being occasionally inspected by her inquisitive dog (got a hardon you want to be rid of? Try an unexpected canine nose in the eye, heh heh). I grew up in the 1980s and was bombarded by the Grim Reaper ads in the early 1990's, and have done enough pathology to scare anyone off getting outta bed in the morning, yet I find myself strangely blithe of the personal consequences of all this knowledge - e.g. being bled upon by immunological strangers holds no terrors. I'm getting NRMA syndrome - nothin' really matters anymore. It would nevertheless be rude of me to become a viral vector in the final months of my life, a free software conduit between people who know me, so I keep a few microns thickness of polymerised isoprene handy. Arr.. I'd love to ride bareback, but it'd just be irresponsible of me. Something's changing. Contrary to my misanthropic default, I'm starting to appreciate this whacky species of which I am a member. I am not sure why. We're the same bunch o' treacherous creeps as we were before I got my oncological marching orders from the rank and file of the human race, but as I stand at the edge, it is hitting home that they're all I've got. Maybe I've never seen it from the point of view of someone unaccustomed to what appears to be the sudden availability of shags-on-tap, but I'm becoming more hungry for company than shaggery. Maybe one appreciates more the things one has irretrievably lost or thinks one is about to. I am keenly aware what a privelage it is to hold these precious beings in my grip, be cradled by them intimately, even if we do run the same metabolisms as the thing which is trying to kill me, and I can't help getting a bit furrowed of brow and teary eyed amidst it. I am gonna miss them as I am dying. If this dopey disease can decide wether to take me out or not. Before taking life off you completely, cancer takes over your life in more insidious ways than you realise (and in my case, chains me to the keyboard, QED). I popped into Kogarah to return a book, and chatted to Larry who is missing a lot of guts since he had colon cancer chopped out. We concur that the worst thing about cancer is possibly that everyone else who is aware of it can't have a conversation with oneself without talking about it, so one ends up having permutations on the same conversation to dozens of people before you get killed by it. It's sort of unavoidable, I guess. It's not that we're not grateful for the concern, but as you the long-suffering reader of these rants would surely agree it's just fuckin' boring repeating the same stuff over and over again. So boring in fact I want to get back to my mundane life of meaningless, anarchist thermodynamic-eschatological drifting. Painting walls. Writing aleatory crap. Uncaringly watching red traffic lights stay red for ages. Fuckin' with computers and pondering on the computational nature of chemical systems. I ate breakfast at midday at the old Fish Cafe and couldn't help smile at the parade of unconcerned locals walking past. If the place was any more laid back you'd need velcro to stop your drinks sliding off the table. Cool. ----- If, perhaps in a moment of masochism you want to look at the next file in this series try It might not be available yet.