My dear old laptop - restored after being given to me initially with the screen hanging off by its data connector - is becoming hard to maintain, so I'll eventually need spare bits for it, and since it's many years old, crucial spares - like the power adaptor, and the drive module for the display - are a bit hard to obtain. Hence I wish to build up a stock of replacement guts for it. Redundant parts mean reliability. Therefore, kind reader, if you're tossing your old, used, beloved and recently upgraded, Dell Latitude XPi P75D (or in fact any in that series, with or without cdrom included, so we're talking Latitudes up to P166 I guess) - regardless of its condition (though it helps if the display works, the processor hasn't been pulled out, etc etc), - then please consider the possibility of being paid a little by me to take it off your hands. It would naturally be more convenient if you were somewhere in Sydney, Australia, because this is where I live. If course if you just want to be rid of the thing and know it's going elsewhere than landfill, and feel like posting it to me, well, that's fine too. I'm not comfortably wealthy. I do not use Windows, or possess a license for it, so I will delete that off the harddisk if you donate it. If it happens that I eventually obtain a huge stock of these parts then they will become a source for other people with dying Latitudes, who find themselves in a similar situation. Spares help us all. Landfill doesn't help anyone. Please email me at predator at cat dot org dot au, and we'll see if we can't come to an arrangement. Live long and prosper!