# code ~/.config/starship.toml format = """ ╭─[  ](bg:#303030 fg:#c7c7c7)\ $username\ [](bg:#303030 fg:#707070)\ $directory\ $git_branch\ $git_status\ [](#303030)\ \n╰─$character """ # Disable the blank line at the start of the prompt add_newline = false # You can also replace your username with a neat symbol like  or disable this # and use the os module below [username] show_always = true style_user = "fg:#b69676 bg:#303030" style_root = "fg:white bg:#303030" format = '[$user]($style)' disabled = false [status] style = 'bg:#303030' symbol = '[✘ ](fg:red bg:#303030)' success_symbol = '[✔ ](fg:green bg:#303030)' format = '[[$signal_name ](fg:red bg:#303030)$symbol]($style)' map_symbol = false disabled = false [character] success_symbol = '[❯](bold green)' error_symbol = '[✘](fg:red)' [cmd_duration] min_time = 1 style = 'bg:#303030 fg:#909090' format = '[ took [$duration](bold fg:#909090 bg:#303030)  ]($style)' [hostname] ssh_only = false style = 'fg:white bg:#303030' format = '[@$hostname ]($style)' disabled = false # An alternative to the username module which displays a symbol that # represents the current operating system [os] style = "bg:#303030" disabled = true # Disabled by default [directory] style = "fg:white bg:#303030" format = "[  $path ]($style)" truncation_length = 9 truncation_symbol = "~/…/" truncate_to_repo = true home_symbol = '~' # Here is how you can shorten some long paths by text replacement # similar to mapped_locations in Oh My Posh: [directory.substitutions] #"~/" = "~./" "~" = " ~" [fill] symbol = ' ' #symbol = '・' [c] symbol = "" style = "bg:#303030" format = '[ $symbol ]($style)' [docker_context] symbol = " " style = "bg:#303030" format = '[ $symbol $context ]($style) $path' [git_branch] style = "fg:white bg:#303030" format = '[](fg:#707070 bg:#303030)[  ](fg:#D6D5CB bg:#303030)[](fg:#FFC0CB bg:#303030)[ $branch ](bold $style)' truncation_length = 15 [git_status] style = "fg:#0a96d6 bg:#303030" conflicted = "~" up_to_date = " " untracked = "?" ahead = "⇡${count}" diverged = "⇕⇡${ahead_count}⇣${behind_count}" behind = "⇣${count}" stashed = "*" modified = " " staged = '[++\($count\)](fg:#56b60a bg:#303030)' renamed = " " deleted = " " format = '[$all_status$ahead_behind ]($style)' [golang] symbol = "go" style = "fg:#FFFFFF bg:#303030" format = '[ $symbol ](bold $style)' [java] symbol = "" style = "fg:#0a96d6 bg:#303030" format = '[ $symbol ]($style)' [nodejs] symbol = "" style = "fg:#0a96d6 bg:#303030" format = '[ $symbol ]($style)' [python] # Display the version of python from inside a local venv. # # Note this will only work when the venv is inside the project and it will only # work in the directory that contains the venv dir but maybe this is ok? symbol = ' ' style = "fg:#0a96d6 bg:#303030" format = '[ $symbol ]($style)' [rust] symbol = "" style = "fg:#0a96d6 bg:#303030" format = '[ $symbol ]($style)' [time] disabled = false time_format = "%R" # Hour:Minute Format style = "bg:#303030 fg:#567676" format = '[$time ]($style)'