# NixOps configuration for the hosts running Prometheus on a Cardano node { config, pkgs, lib, ... }: { imports = [ ../secrets/cardano/grafana.nix ]; services = { grafana = { enable = true; addr = ""; domain = "monitoring.mcwhirter.io"; rootUrl = "https://monitoring.mcwhirter.io/grafana"; security = { adminPasswordFile = "/run/keys/grafana-apass"; # Where to find the password }; auth = { anonymous = { enable = true; # Allow anonymous access }; }; provision = { enable = true; #dashboards = [ # { # name = "Node System Dashboard"; # folder = "General"; # options.path = ../monitoring/NodeSystemDashboard.json; # } #]; datasources = [ { type = "prometheus"; name = "prometheus"; url = "http://localhost:9090/prometheus"; } ]; }; }; }; users.groups.keys.members = [ "grafana" ]; # Required due to NixOps issue #1204 }