Benno Lang ff23de60bb Support using Vosk instead of Whisper for transcripts
For Esperanto, Vosk is used automatically, since Whisper doesn't
support Esperanto
2025-01-23 15:50:05 +10:30

137 lines
4.5 KiB

import glob
import re
import lib.fetcher as fetcher
import mutagen
import os
import os.path
from dateutil import parser as dateparser
charsToRemove = re.compile('[^\w\-]*')
multipleUnderscores = re.compile('__+')
startingNumerals = re.compile(r'^#?([0-9]+)')
def addRef(podcast):
podcast['ref'] = getRef(podcast['name'])
podcast['dir'] = f"podcasts/{podcast['lang']}/{podcast['ref']}"
def getRef(name):
ref = name.lower()
ref = ref.replace(' ', '_')
ref = charsToRemove.sub('', ref)
ref = multipleUnderscores.sub('_', ref)
return ref
def getExtension(fileName):
urlAndParams = fileName.partition('?')
parts = urlAndParams[0].split('.')
return parts.pop()
def replaceExtension(fileName, newExtension):
parts = fileName.split('.')
return '.'.join(parts) + '.' + newExtension
def saveEpisode(podcast, episode, options):
match = startingNumerals.match(episode['title'])
if episode['episode']:
# Episode (& possibly season) number encoded in the RSS
epNum = episode['episode']
openingRef = epNum.zfill(5)
identifier = f"{epNum}"
if episode['season']:
seasonNum = episode['season']
openingRef = 's' + seasonNum.zfill(3) + 'ep' + openingRef
identifier += f" of season {seasonNum}"
offset = 0
elif match:
# Episode number deduced from its title
epNum = match.group(1)
openingRef = epNum.zfill(5)
offset = len(match.group(0))
identifier = epNum
elif "date" in episode:
# Podcast (or part thereof) where episodes only have a name and date
date = dateparser.parse(episode['date'])
openingRef = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H%M")
offset = 0
identifier = date.strftime("from %d %b %Y at %H:%M")
print(f"Unable to determine identifier for episode:\n{episode}")
filenamePattern = f"{podcast['dir']}/{openingRef}_*"
extantFiles = glob.glob(filenamePattern)
if len(extantFiles) == 0:
# Download new file
ext = getExtension(episode['url'])
episodeName = openingRef + '_' + episode['title'][offset:]
if episode['subtitle']:
episodeName += ' - ' + episode['subtitle']
episodeRef = getRef(episodeName)
fileName = f"{episodeRef}.{ext}"
if options.verbose:
print(f"Downloading episode {identifier} of {podcast['name']} as {fileName}")
fetcher.download(episode['url'], f"{podcast['dir']}/{fileName}")
elif options.verbose:
print(f"Episode {identifier} of {podcast['name']} has been downloaded previously; skipping")
def findAudio():
return glob.glob('podcasts/*/*/*.m[4p][a3]')
def getAudioLength(audioFile):
audio = mutagen.File(audioFile)
totalLength = audio.info.length
hours = int(totalLength // 3600)
totalLength -= 3600 * hours
minutes = int(totalLength // 60)
totalLength -= 60 * minutes
seconds = int(totalLength)
if hours == 0:
return f"{minutes}:{seconds}"
return f"{hours}:{minutes}:{seconds}"
def getLangCode(audioFile):
parts = audioFile.split('/')
return parts[1]
def getTranscriptFilename(audioFile):
return replaceExtension(audioFile, 'transcript.txt')
def hasTranscript(audioFile):
transcriptFile = getTranscriptFilename(audioFile)
return os.path.isfile(transcriptFile)
def getTranslationFilename(audioFile):
return replaceExtension(audioFile, 'translation.txt')
def hasTranslation(audioFile):
translationFile = getTranslationFilename(audioFile)
return os.path.isfile(translationFile)
def generateFromAudio(audioFile, task, options):
if task == 'transcribe':
newExt = 'transcript.txt'
task = 'translate'
newExt = 'translation.txt'
langCode = getLangCode(audioFile)
fileParts = audioFile.split('/')
fileName = fileParts.pop()
newFileName = replaceExtension(fileName, newExt)
dir = '/'.join(fileParts)
if options.tts == 'vosk' or langCode == 'eo':
cmd = f"vosk-transcriber -i {fileName} -l {langCode} -t srt -o {newFileName}"
cmd = f"whisper {fileName} --model medium --language {langCode} --task {task} --output_format srt --fp16 False"
# rename transcript/translation file generated
generatedFile = replaceExtension(fileName, 'vtt')
os.rename(generatedFile, newFileName)