{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- This is my Termonad configuration. module Main where import Termonad ( CursorBlinkMode(CursorBlinkModeOff), Option(Set) , ShowScrollbar(ShowScrollbarNever), TMConfig, confirmExit, cursorBlinkMode , defaultConfigOptions, defaultTMConfig, options, showMenu, showScrollbar , start, FontConfig, FontSize(FontSizePoints), defaultFontConfig, fontConfig , fontFamily, fontSize ) import Termonad.Config.Colour ( Colour, ColourConfig, Palette(ExtendedPalette), addColourExtension , createColourExtension, cursorBgColour, defaultColourConfig, foregroundColour , palette, sRGB24 ) import Termonad.Config.Vec (Vec((:*), EmptyVec), N8, unsafeFromListVec_) import Data.Colour.SRGB (Colour, sRGB24) -- This is our main 'TMConfig'. It holds all of the non-colour settings -- for Termonad. -- -- This shows how a few settings can be changed. myTMConfig :: TMConfig myTMConfig = defaultTMConfig { options = defaultConfigOptions { showScrollbar = ShowScrollbarNever , confirmExit = False , showMenu = False , cursorBlinkMode = CursorBlinkModeOff , fontConfig = fontConf } } -- This is our Solarized dark 'ColourConfig'. It holds all of our dark-related settings. solarizedDark :: ColourConfig (Colour Double) solarizedDark = defaultColourConfig -- Set the default foreground colour of text of the terminal. { foregroundColour = sRGB24 131 148 150 -- base0 -- Set the extended palette that has 2 Vecs of 8 Solarized pallette colours , palette = ExtendedPalette solarizedDark1 solarizedDark2 } where solarizedDark1 :: Vec N8 (Colour Double) solarizedDark1 = sRGB24 0 43 54 -- base03, background :* sRGB24 220 50 47 -- red :* sRGB24 133 153 0 -- green :* sRGB24 181 137 0 -- yellow :* sRGB24 38 139 210 -- blue :* sRGB24 211 54 130 -- magenta :* sRGB24 42 161 152 -- cyan :* sRGB24 238 232 213 -- base2 :* EmptyVec solarizedDark2 :: Vec N8 (Colour Double) solarizedDark2 = sRGB24 7 54 66 -- base02, background highlights :* sRGB24 203 75 22 -- orange :* sRGB24 88 110 117 -- base01, comments / secondary text :* sRGB24 131 148 150 -- base0, body text / default code / primary content :* sRGB24 147 161 161 -- base1, optional emphasised content :* sRGB24 108 113 196 -- violet :* sRGB24 101 123 131 -- base00 :* sRGB24 253 246 227 -- base3 :* EmptyVec -- This is our Solarized light 'ColourConfig'. It holds all of our light-related settings. solarizedLight :: ColourConfig (Colour Double) solarizedLight = defaultColourConfig -- Set the default foreground colour of text of the terminal. { foregroundColour = sRGB24 101 123 131 -- base00 -- Set the extended palette that has 2 Vecs of 8 Solarized pallette colours , palette = ExtendedPalette solarizedLight1 solarizedLight2 } where solarizedLight1 :: Vec N8 (Colour Double) solarizedLight1 = sRGB24 238 232 213 -- base2, background highlights :* sRGB24 220 50 47 -- red :* sRGB24 133 153 0 -- green :* sRGB24 181 137 0 -- yellow :* sRGB24 38 139 210 -- blue :* sRGB24 211 54 130 -- magenta :* sRGB24 42 161 152 -- cyan :* sRGB24 7 54 66 -- base02 :* EmptyVec solarizedLight2 :: Vec N8 (Colour Double) solarizedLight2 = sRGB24 253 246 227 -- base3, background :* sRGB24 203 75 22 -- orange :* sRGB24 147 161 161 -- base1, comments / secondary text :* sRGB24 101 123 131 -- base00, body text / default code / primary content :* sRGB24 88 110 117 -- base01, optional emphasised content :* sRGB24 108 113 196 -- violet :* sRGB24 131 148 150 -- base0 :* sRGB24 0 43 54 -- base03 :* EmptyVec -- This defines the font for the terminal. fontConf :: FontConfig fontConf = defaultFontConfig { fontFamily = "DejaVu Sans Mono" , fontSize = FontSizePoints 8 } main :: IO () main = do -- First, create the colour extension based on either Solarixed modules. myColourExt <- createColourExtension solarizedDark -- Update 'myTMConfig' with our colour extension. let newTMConfig = addColourExtension myTMConfig myColourExt -- Start Termonad with our updated 'TMConfig'. start newTMConfig